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Tuesday, January 16, 2018

New philosophy of relations between brain, mind, body, physical health, ego can prevent and save mental illness

Greed, Anger, and Ignorance are the root causes of misery in life. To gain long-lasting happiness, we have to remove our Ignorance or gain the right viewpoint of life, here is the new viewpoint or philosophy that help us overcome our ignorance. 

The extracted of some chapters from Awaken You Wonderful We 

Chapter 10. New philosophy of relations between brain, mind, body, physical health, ego

By deep reflection, you will see there is no Ego, nothing constant inside you. You are the illuminating of the rivers of your body, body, feelings, perceptions, mental formations, and consciousness. They are constantly changing, nothing stays the same. You can sense the direction of changing, your destiny by the phenomena you created and the phenomena you received. The phenomena are beyond form, beyond sound, and intangible, which cannot listen, cannot see, and cannot be grasped. The right degree of illuminating of these phenomena created the physical object that you may see, hear, and grasp. In the same environment, the things you see, hear, and grasp may be different to your relatives, your friends, and your brothers. The phenomena are subjective, but the belief, the state of mind and the emotion of us decide which side we view these phenomena. Small changes of view side may make us have totally different perception. All of the human beings are under the hologram of phenomena around us. Each of us has the slightly different point of view so that our perception may be different or contrast to others.
The emotion and belief system affected our perception of the environment the most. There are many types of research show that human beings easily fall into the trap of irrational thinking. The book Blink of Malcolm Gladwell and other Irrational Thinking books show many types of research that help us understand how easily we fall into the trap of irrational thinking and emotional thinking.
From the belief system, the emotion, and point of view, we process the perceived information like:
Sow a thought reap a feeling
Sow a feeling reap an action
Sow an action reap a habit
Sow a habit reap a character
Sow a character reap a destiny.                                                      
Thought, emotion, action, habit, character, and destiny are the names of one phenomenon, which is a human being. The destiny is the summation of all the results and perceptions of life. The root of destiny is the thought so people need to care for thoughts to have health, wealth, peace, and happiness. The relations between these factors are subtle as Yin and Yang. There is nothing exists separately; they are interdependent on each other.
Each thought, action, habit, and character we sow not only are the effects of million input phenomena but also are the causes of countless other output phenomena. Human beings are the powerful creatures because of thought. The two powerful laws that control human being are the “law of thought” and “law of cause and effect.” We do not understand all the phenomena go in and out ourselves, but we may have good gut feelings about the quality of these phenomena. Under the influence of mind and law of causes and effect, countless laws and rules have been created to take the advantage of mind and cause and effect. From the causes at present, we may sense the effects in future; and from the effects at present, we may sense the previous causes.
If the brain is in the bad state, we may reap ill thought, we may reap an ill action, and gradually, we may reap ill fate.
Some people may have a brain in a good state, but they have the bad point of views in viewing the situation. They will get bad thoughts; they may nourish the bad thoughts long enough that create strong emotion. From negative emotion, they may reap bad actions, bad behaviors, bad characters, and ill fate.

Some people have a brain in the good state and perceive good thoughts form environment. But they are not really strong enough to maintain the good state of the brain and good mental state before the changing of the environment with million phenomena interacting back and forth between them and environment. So that they may reap bad emotions, over time, the bad emotions lead to bad action, bad habits, and character and ill fate.
Some people have a brain in the good state, sharp mind, and good actions. Unfortunately, the good state of brain, mind, and good actions are not strong enough to endure with changing the environment to create a good habit. They may infect bad habit because of negative consequences of interdependence between mind, body, and environment. Gradually they get ill fate.
Only small people train themselves well enough that they gain good state of the brain, nourishing sharp mind, and patiently taking good action to reap good habits, and good characters. Gradually, they reap the good destiny.
On the way to success, people need to have endurance, patience, and discipline enough to sow the seeds of goodness in every thought, and action. Then continue to protect the good seeds before million phenomena from the environment to reap the good habit, good character, and good destiny. The best tools for them are the principles that guide them to confront with million phenomena around them. Most ordinary people do not have principles of action so that they easily exhausted with the confronting with countless phenomena as pressure and difficulties so that they are easily tempted with temporary joy. Lao Tzu taught to have a good life, people need to have patience, compassion, and simplicity; he did not talk about intelligence at all as most of the modern people think.
 There is no separate self, no constant ego or constant spirit. We are the illuminating of the interaction between phenomena we meet and we create. We live in the seamless web on cause and effect we created. Each response we take is the effect of countless previous phenomena, and from that response, we create many other phenomena. We are changing every day as the hologram of compound phenomena. Phenomena are stable, but we are changing because we are the illuminating of compounded phenomena.
A long time after the death of great spiritual leaders, good kings or bad kings, the dictators, good philosophers or bad philosophers, human being are still getting benefits or enduring the burdens they left. The inspiration for the action of great spiritual leaders thousand years ago still has effect in modern life. And the fear they created thousand years ago still embeds in modern life. The phenomena they created may available in the spiritual life, the religious customs, the philosophy, the genome, and deep in the subconscious mind of modern people. If we do not train ourselves well, if we do not pay attention, we will be the victims of bad phenomena. We can see our brain in the structures of the brain, the activation of the brain, the EEG waves, and other devices to see the brain are in good state or not. We can know our mental ability and our mind by the mind is a set of cognitive faculties including consciousness, perception, thinking, judgment, and memory. By defining this set, we can know our mind is in the good state or bad state.
When the conscious mind is obsessed with these ideas with the highest emotion and by repetition, the subconscious mind will adopt these ideas without any rejection. The ideas relating to survival, joy, safety, health and, happiness will embed into the mind of people with the highest feeling of fear and joy. Confronting with the strange and unknown natural phenomena: storm, thunderstorm, birth and, death, hurricane, flood, drought, diseases, pandemic, mysterious event, fragile people look to for their leaders. Any strange behaviors taught by the most influential people of the commune to bring food, safety, and health may become the mysterious customs if repeated many times. These strange behaviors may become the ritual customs, religious customs. In the human history, the belief of people of the community with the religious customs was so strong that they sacrificed virgin girls, people, women, or their children in the ritual customs without any hesitation. With the strong belief of bringing safety, health, abundance, and protection they did not have any concern with sacrificing people, fighting and creating human miseries in their ritual customs. Reading the strange religious customs, the strange burial customs and, ritual customs, we will see how stupid, how crucial some of these ritual customs were.
Moreover, the state of the brain, the quality of conscious and unconscious mind, will create the quality of spiritual life and the quality of physical health. The brain, the mind, and physical health are the interdependent factors. In the brain, there is the reflection of mind and body; in the body, there is the reflective quality of brain and mind. There is no mind can stay separate the brain and body. “This is because of that is. That is because of this is.” The interdependency described in many laws of life: law the of cause and effect, law of attraction, law the of thinking, law of believing, and Yin and Yang philosophy. In the human being, the development of brain gives birth to the human mind; in return, the human mind is the most powerful factor that decides and corrects slowly the structure of the brain, mental health, and physical health. Buddha, Jesus, and, many spiritual leaders, philosophers, trainers and educators all give advice that we should pay attention in protecting the mind, pay attention in feeding the mind, pay attention to the quality of thinking to have a good life.
What happens if you have good thoughts about bad events? What are your emotion, and your actions?
What happens if you have bad thoughts about good events? What are your emotion and your actions?
Can you see the differences? We are the only creatures that we can master our destiny.

Mind, body, health, life, and environment.

Environment feeds the mind
People choose to feed the mind.
Good feeding to the mind creates good thought
The good thought creates the good belief,
The good belief creates the good mind,
The good mind creates good gene
The good mind creates many other conditions
Visible or invisible
These good conditions are perfect for good brain
These conditions are perfect for good health.
And in reverse,
These are the interdependent factors
They are interdependent with the phenomena from environment
And interdependent with the phenomena they created.
They operate with the law of cause and effect
Belong to other laws and principles in universe
Follow the Yin and Yang theory.
Nothing is independent
Things are interdependent, empty, and selfless.
Emptiness means things rely on each other to illuminate
Phenomena rely on each other to coexist or non-exist
Appear and disappear.

Questions to ponder to help people gain wisdom and enlightenment

-     Who are you?
-   Where is the person that you had when you were one year old?
-  What language do you speak? Why do you speak your language?
- What religious are you? What makes your religion, your friend’s religion and your cousin’s religion different? Why do you believe and trust totally in you are religious?
-    Where is the person that you had when you were five years old?
Where are your old concepts, old the belief you had during childhood?
- You are a successful man. What happens if the misjudging of the court will make you become a prisoner in next five months? Perhaps you will lose all: properties, houses, cars, family, your spouse, your children, your good attitude, your good work, your reputation, your pride, your happiness. A coming accident will take all of you. So what is the remaining?
- You have a Ph.D. degree in business administration; you are a good lecturer in a university. “You think therefore you are” as Descartes said.
-  What you will become, what will remain if tonight’s sleep you get the stroke, the stroke make injury in your a brain, affect your cognitive thinking, and you forget all basic information, even worse you may lose the ability to control of the normal behaviors like walking, talking, and urinating. 
-  Will stroke accidentally happen or the result of the accumulation of bad phenomena before?

The story of selflessness and emptiness:

An imagine story: a rich and healthy man was spending time and money to build a beautiful villa, and giant mausoleum for him when he dies. One year after finishing the villa and mausoleum, he got the stroke. The stroke made him forgetting all things, losing all cognitive behaviors, losing all of his cognitive thinking, and becoming paralyzed. He had to lie in bed all day, fed by tubes. He has lived in a persistent vegetative state, also known as “unresponsive wakefulness syndrome”, for ten years in his villa. All of his properties have been sold to have money for healthcare. When he dies, his body only has skin and skeleton, all of his relatives cannot find any similarity between the dead body and his picture when he was a healthy man; even the characters have changed drastically. According to the follow the testament, People put the dead body in the mausoleum.
·         Who lived in the villa for ten years? Was that person same as a rich, healthy man building villa and mausoleum? Why you make the answer?
·         Where was the rich and healthy man?
·         Did the stroke accidentally happen to him?
·         Could people forecast the stroke?
·          What do people really put into the mausoleum?
Answer these questions, ponder with the imaginative stories, we will find out the truth about life, about self, about constant things. Best of all we will find out the relation between body, mind, physical health, behaviors, environment, and countless phenomena received and created by the individual.

Chapter: 11. Outliers: new level of brain, mind, physical body, and health 

The combination of training, practicing, studying, and thinking creates the connections between neurons in the brain. When having enough connections, the brain can function well with the least effort; scientists may get EEG with the alpha wave instead of the beta wave with the sophisticated activities that individuals have mastered. The brain will work very effectively with less energy and less effort for when they master sophisticated activities compare with the first time of acting.
Malcolm Gladwell suggested that people should spend a ten thousand hours of using the mind to become outliers. To this point, the mind can see, hear, and feel the signals from the environment than the normal mind cannot see, hear or feel. The brain of outliers works much more effective and much more silently. Some Zen monks can control the activation of the brain to have the most effective brain’s function. In the function of brain, it is not the vigorousness or the band of oscillations or the constant of activation of brain cells that makes the best brain function; it is the rhythm, the harmony of every part of brain, the smooth cooperation of every relating parts of brain to make the best function of brain.
The brain cells are too weak, too fragile before any tension or any injury to the body; the brain cells need the condition of biological homeostasis to develop well. Protected by a skull, the brain well protected from the physical injury. Unfortunately, the stressed state with stress chemicals is the hazard to homeostasis that may harm the brain cells and structure of the brain. Especially stress during early childhood can create the irreversible damages to the structure of the brain. These damages make parts of brain act out of normal biological rhythm; in response to these damages, the brain may overdevelop the cells, the mass in some the parts of the brain to restore some vital functions of the brain. The damages and the abnormalities in the structure of the brain may cause abnormalities in EEG, in hormonal imbalances, in cognitive mind, in behaviors, physical health, etc… these called the systemic problems or the syndrome of illnesses. The facts to prove these ideas is there are too many patients, with chronic diseases that are untreatable, have abnormal structures in the brain, have abnormal EEG, have the abnormal gene, have problems with cognitive thinking, have problems in interacting in family members, society, have big changes in appearance… They all have one same problem is they constantly become stressed.
Theta brainwave has seen in meditation. Theta wave has been associated with reports of relaxed, meditative, and creative states. Zen-trained meditation masters produce noticeably more alpha waves during meditation. Some people who practice a type of deep the meditation called Yoga Nidra (Sleep yoga) can remain conscious while in deep sleep with the delta wave.
People can be trained to create gamma waves or a new level of brain and mind. According to the Gama wave in Wikipedia, a study has been taken place by scientists in an American university. Scientists have observed eight Tibetan Buddhist the monks, who took long-term of meditation. Simultaneously they compared the brain activity of the monks to a group of novice meditation practitioners. In a normal meditative state, both groups were shown to have similar brain activity. However, when the monks were told to generate an objective feeling of compassion during meditation, their brain activity began to fire in a rhythmic, coherent manner, suggesting neuronal structures were firing in harmony. This was observed at a frequency of 25-40 Hz, the rhythm of gamma waves. These gamma-band oscillations in the monk’s brain signals were the largest seen in humans, apart from those in states such as seizures.
Interestingly, the gamma-band oscillations were scant in novice meditation practitioners. A number of rhythmic signals did appear to strengthen in beginner meditation practitioners with further experience in the exercise. The strengthening of gamma rhythmic signals did imply that the aptitude for one to produce gamma-band rhythm is trainable. This may indicate that the brain of the monks and patients with seizures has the strongest electrical activity but in a different manner due to mind practicing and brain injury.
Some mysterious abilities of well-trained people are the proof that human mind can have so much more potential to reach and we have not known how much potential of our mind. Examples of people who claim to have developed some extraordinary abilities. Perhaps we are evolving into a world of zero limits. Here are the examples from three websites, where you can view to see the extraordinary abilities that ordinary people may have
 X-Ray Vision: Natasha Demkina is a Russian woman who claims to be able to see into peoples bodies. Just like an X-ray machine, she is able to detect problems inside of people and diagnose them.
Super language abilities: Harold Williams was able to speak 58 different languages.
Eagle Vision (20 times more acute than the rest of us): Veronica Seider holds the world record for being able to see the smallest object without assistance from technology.
Sonar Vision (like Bats or Dolphins): Ben Underwood is blind, both of his eyes were removed (cancer) when he was three. Yet, he plays basketball, rides on a bicycle, and lives a quite normal life. He taught himself to use echolocation to navigate around the world. He uses sound. Ben makes a short click sound that bounces back from objects.
Sensory abilities and the recognition of music: Arthur Lintgen is an American physicist who can look at phonograph records and recognize the song. He says he is able to look at the grooves and recognize the song recorded. He can also tell if the song is being played loud or quiet based on his ability to focus in on the little details of the records.
Photographic memory: Stephen Wiltshire is a British architectural artist who can look at a landscape once and then draw it with perfect accuracy.
Iceman: Wim Hof claims it has enhanced his immune system; and that he does not suffer any bad effects from this ice dips.
 Super Human Reflexes: Isao Machii is a Japanese Iaido master who has the quickest reflexes in the world. He holds many world records for his quick sword skills
The Lion Whisperer: Animal behaviorist Kevin Richardson says he relies on instinct to win the hearts and form an intimate bond with the lions.
Monks generating magical heat energy from their bodies
Experts have been studying Buddhist monks for more than 20 years, trying to figure out just how in the hell they're doing what they do. By using a meditation technique called Tum-mo, these monks can lower their metabolism by 64 percent. Normal people’s metabolism only drops 10 to 15 percent when you sleep. But far more awesome than that, the monks can also increase the temperatures of their fingers and toes by 17 degrees. No one knows how.
The woman who can laugh at a peak volume of 110 decibels Jittarat laugh with the volume of 110 decibels. The noise is same as the noise of a rock band event.
The man who claps as loud as a Helicopter: Zhang Quan, 70, is a Chinese man can clap his hands nearly as loud as a helicopter. His claps apparently measured 107 decibels - three decibels lower than whirling helicopter blades.
There are many extraordinary abilities of human beings, known or unknown by the writers and readers, which are hard to understand by temporary science. People often use myths, God, Holy Spirit to explain these extraordinary abilities. Mastering your mind, you will never know how potential your abilities are. Thousand heroes, Superman or Holy Spirits of the human kind once time they were ordinary people.

Cowart, R. Kirsten. (2014, August 30). Sixteen people with real superpowers. Retrieved July 19, 2017, from
Gamma wave. (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved July 17, 2017, from
Gladwell, Malcolm (2005). Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking. New York: Little, Brown
Gladwell, Malcolm (2005). Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking. New York: Little, Brown
Gladwell, Malcolm (2008). Outliers. New York: Little, Brown & Co
Gladwell, Malcolm (2008). Outliers. New York: Little, Brown & Co
Real-life superheroes: ten people with incredible abilities. (2007, November 27). Retrieved July 19, 2017, from http://www.
Ten extraordinary people with weird superpowers. (n.d.). Retrieved July 19, 2017, from http://www.mindpowernews .com/RealSuperpowers.htm

Part IV: Conditioned Responses

Chapter: 12. All things we have are the results of conditioned responses

“Results do not come from the environment, but from the responses.
Responses come from thoughts and emotion.
Feed the mind with good food, the mind will create good thought
Feed the mind with rubbish, the mind creates rubbishy thought
The best way is to care to feed the mind if to have a good life”
*** *** ***
When information and signals come to mind, our conscious mind focuses on analyzing the patterns of signals and information. The process of analyzing mobilize a lot of energy, the concentration, all senses, experiences, the known knowledge, the deepest desires and the feelings to draw out the patterns of information. After perceiving clearly the characters of information, the conscious mind sends the pattern of information to the unconscious mind to remember. It will be the material for subconscious mind use when they need to make the decision.
People can create the behaviors or habits of others people by reward and punishment. In Pavlov's dogs, the dogs have conditioned with the conditioned response by the ringing the bell and feeding food. Pavlov has rung the bell before feeding the dogs. After several times, the dogs have conditioned with the responses. Next time, he only rung the bell but not fed the dogs, the dogs still salivated. The mind of the dogs has remembered the pattern of condition so well that just hearing the small part of condition the dogs had the conditioned responses.
In fact, we can create conditioned response to our children, workers, employees and other people by reward and punishment. Moreover, the condition is much more complicated than our understanding, because the condition put on other people has so much more varieties and frequencies than we can imagine. There are a million phenomena in one condition, which we use to condition responses to other people. Our neo-cortex only catches the perceivable information from the condition, but our limbic system can catch much more information form the condition that we do not know. All the information caught by neocortex and the limbic system can stimulate the conditioned responses inside the body. The conditioned responses help people and animals to adapt well to the environment, help people and animals to survive in the environment. Moreover, with the development of brain and mind, the conditioned responses directed to satisfying the needs of the human being to bring the feeling joy and happiness for them. The brain and mind function well and effectively owing to the condition responses. Unfortunately, the conscious mind only knows very little about the conditioned responses stored in the brain structure, the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. People can consciously know these conditioned responses by mindfulness or observe the changes in the body before the changing of environment. To this point, we can know that many other conscious responses or unconscious responses are the conditioned responses people gain throughout the life. The pattern of responses and information about the environment may be available in brain, cell, body, genome, habit, and environment; and the information accumulated by one generation is heritable. The facts, which prove that the previous information that individuals met lie in the brain, cell, body, genome, and environment, is the chronic diseases, chronic health problems and social problems available around us. Scientists have made many investigations into chronic diseases and mental diseases; they have found that the patients with these diseases have problems or abnormalities in the structures of brain, cells, body, genome, habit. These abnormalities are not only the results of the previous problem but also the causes of later serious problems.
      Gut feelings are the conditioned responses. The mind makes a judgment about phenomena in the environment; then it silently sends the corresponding conditioned responses about the environment for us via autonomic nervous systems without any noticing of the conscious mind. In danger situation, the autonomic nervous system has made some changes in our body long before we consciously know what is happening.
      Allergy is also the conditioned responses of the patient to the specific allergens despite patients known or unknown about the allergens. Allergy controlled by the autonomic nervous system.
      Homesick is also the conditioned responses. People who live far away from home can have the feeling of homesick if they meet part of the condition like the new year festival, the union day, the changing to cold temperature like Christmas in Western countries; and Tet festival (lunar new year) in the north of Vietnam; the changing of decoration on the road, listening the festival songs. Any of the perceivable signals or imperceptible signals created the happy feeling at home can create the feeling of homesick.
      Only adults grew up in the countryside can have the strong feelings, the surge of high emotion when they saw, watching videos or pictures, or hearing the familiar sounds from their countryside that make them miss countryside. During childhood, they have met a million phenomena in the countryside with strong feelings. The pattern of phenomena and feelings are stored in the subconscious mind. During their lifetime, they may relive the childhood memory and have the feeling of missing homeland whenever the limbic system catches any phenomena similar to the phenomena during their childhood. Vietnamese often have a feeling of missing home when they seeing the images of children playing in rural Vietnam like playing marbles, tug of war, mandarin square capturing, Bermuda grass fighting, skipping rope, playing with water at the village well, swimming in the river with buffalos, riding buffalos, playing on paddy field.
      People in every country in the world also have the feeling of missing homeland where they grew up if they meet part of the condition, which has created the feeling of joy and happiness for them.
      It is same as the adults or old people live abroad, seeing, hearing, meeting any familiar things can make them have the feeling of missing their countries.
  The interesting novels, poems, songs, films, and fictions can create high emotion in some specific readers. The fictions and songs written for wartime created the strongest feeling or vibration for the old people who had lived during the war and fought in the war. In peacetime, these fictions, poems, and songs do not create much emotion in the pupils, students and the youth as the experienced people. On the other hand, the romantic novels, romantic films attract a lot of young audiences but rarely attract the old audiences. Because the emotion, feelings as the conditioned responses caused by these products in young readers and in old readers are not at the same level with the different group of people.
      Anger, fear, stress, happiness, and all other emotions are the conditioned responses of the body controlled the by the nervous system, most of the time the autonomic nervous system will dominate the body and behaviors with strong emotion if we lack awareness or mindfulness. Understanding conditioned responses can help scientists understand the behavioral psychology. The first kiss in love has total different feeling and taste with the last kiss in anger.
With the addictions like opium addicts, chess addicts, gambling addicts, smoking addicts, game addicts, monetary addicts, sexual addicts, reward addicts, fame addicts, drinking addicts or food addicts, these people will have the condition responses in the body by autonomic nervous system when they see, hear, smell, or sense some of the signals related to satisfying addiction. That way if we want to make the addicts quitting the addicted habit, we should put them in the new supporting environment and help them stay away from the environment where had the condition relating to addiction. The conditioned responses caused by addicted patterns are the strong negative feeling of irritating, tingling, sad, anger, bored, pain, changing of behaviors, changing of emotions, extreme pain or loss of consciousness like crazy if the attack of addiction is not satisfied. They have the symptoms relating to excessive activation of the autonomic nervous system, the conscious mind is absent under the strong attack of addiction.
Religious customs, taboos, and spiritual rituals have the strongest influences on its disciples. Following or violating religious custom will create the strongest feeling in people’s mind as the conditioned responses. Some people even become hysterical if they violate their taboos or religious traditional customs. Even though, they and their friends, cousins in the same building have totally different opinions and behaviors in their own religion.
Punishment and reward can create conditioned responses. The baby being beaten by his father, when the father goes out for work if someone threatens that if he does not sit and play in safety, his father will beat him. The words of threatening can trigger all the previous painful feeling in the kid that he is so scared that he will sit and play in safety unnaturally.
Being beating or punishing for the rebelling behaviors that teachers, parents, and managers do not like can create the painful conditioned responses in the sufferers. So that each time the good chances come, the chances demand little of challenge, courage, and uncertainty. The children who were punished severely may hesitate or feel chill when taking the chances. Gut feelings, small talk, and conditioned responses will prevent him from taking any risk. Because of pain and fear, they like to stay in comfort zone.
The taste of eating same food is never the same because of the taste is the sum up of countless conditions. Seeing, smelling, imagining, or hearing can trigger the conditioned responses as real as that people are eating. Enough of repetition with emotion, we can create the conditioned responses for ourselves and others.
The sweet kiss and disgust kiss: depend on the opinion of the receivers about the partners. They fall in love is the sweet kiss. But if they get married, experiencing enough of crying, blaming, kicking, beating and shouting, the kiss may become painful or disgust because of countless conditioned changes inside the body.

Kelly Clarkson - Because Of You (VIDEO): Chorus of the good kids that parents do not know

Fighting at school, work: No love - Eminem 
I JUST SUED THE SCHOOL SYSTEM !!!: He did with the place teach our kids

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In Pictures of Four Factors that Determine Autism, ADHD, Depression, Suicide, Autoimmune Diseases, All Human Health, illnesses, and Problems.

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Kỹ năng giải quyết vấn đề: ta đang học gốc hay học ngọn? Góc nhìn mới

Lifelong learning from: Looking, Watching and Contemplating

Lý do tuyệt vời để đọc sách

Bạn hay đi chê bai, bị chê bai ư? Hãy đọc và tìm giải pháp nhé

Lý giải một phần về những xung đột trong cuộc sống.


Lợi ích của các buổi ngoại khóa: số phận ư? Do ta tạo ra cả thôi

Lý giải nguyên nhân và gợi ý liên quan Học Kém, Kém Tập Trung, Tự Kỷ, Tăng Động, Chậm Nói và Quấy Phá ở trẻ và các vấn đề: mất ngủ, suy nhược, đau và các bệnh mãn tính ở người lớn

Lý giải nguyên nhân và gợi ý liên quan Học Kém, Kém Tập Trung, Tự Kỷ, Tăng Động, Quấy Phá ở trẻ.

Lý giải nguyên nhân và gợi ý liên quan tự kỷ, tăng động, trầm cảm ở trẻ.

Most Helpful chapters from Awaken You Wonderful We.

New philosophy of relations between brain, mind, body, physical health, ego can prevent and save mental illness

New view of diseases that helps healing most chronic diseases, chronic problems

Nguyên nhân và giải pháp liên quan Học Kém, Kém Tập Trung, Tự Kỷ, Tăng Động, Quấy Phá ở trẻ và Mất ngủ, Suy Nhược ở người lớn.


People are the same, but they coded differently

Philosophy, Science, Medicine, Brain, Mind, Body and Diseases in the Words of Nursery School for All


Phương pháp giảm đau kinh tế, hiệu quả: đau bụng kinh, đau đầu, đau do căng cơ

Pictures and Videos to Awaken You for Wonderful We, Kids, People, Countries And World

Quà tặng sách, tại sao không? Dưới đây là lý do tại sao có

Quy luật - sự vận hành của cuộc sống

Real cause of human problems: Autism, ADHD, Depression, Suicide, and Stress

Review part of the book Awaken You Wonderful We

Rượu góp vui nhờ tính thăng nhưng đừng thăng luôn

Sách phát triển bản thân, kỹ năng trong gia đình và sách lãnh đạo chung một mục đích

Sách tham khảo cho quản trị cảm xúc

Save the Kids, Victims, World from the Teachings Of Buddha

Saving Kids, Patients, Victims, We need to Understand The Teaching of The Old, The Sages

SCIENCE- KNOWLEDGE- What are they???

Simple mediation and the teaching of Thich Nhat Hanh, Buddha teaching to practice for busy people to calm the mind and cure the disorders

Sức mạnh của lãi kép, tín dụng đen và những điều cần lưu ý khi vay

Teaching from Lao Tzu Can Heal Seasonal Hysterical Stress of America

Teaching of Lao Tzu - How we can know where is the source of our problems and diseases, especially mental illness


Tham, sân, si và thiền trong quản trị cảm xúc từ Topica - Edumall

Thư gửi phụ huynh Việt: nỗi niềm của các con và hạnh phúc gia đình

Thực hành thiền cho người bận rộn giúp bình an, thư thái, hạnh phúc

Trích dẫn nổi tiếng của Lincoln dẫn dắt cho người đang tìm đường phát triển

Tự kỷ: góc nhìn mới và giải pháp

Useful advices for stressed mother, stressed parents

Vượt qua tật xấu cá nhân cuả người Việt - Tham Sân Si và thiền định của Phật giáo

What said and done only useful when help us to know and treat ADHD, Autism, Depression and Suicide, Homocide, Gunfire

Why Human Being are Being Coded with the responses but they do not know?

List of most the best writings in the web with the title listed from A To

List of most the best writings in the web with the title listed from A To

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